Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I made it to the $530 Aruba game again and finished 10th. That's my 3rd strike in the big Aruba game. However, I'm in the 50r again tonight. There is no give up in me. This is a goal and I won't be denied.

I have really been affected by the tribulations of others. Life is short and family is important. If you don't agree now than you probably will later in life. I really believe that. Oh, and Cancer sucks.

My middle son made his 'A' team in hockey. Blessing or not we are in for a long season. I will be coaching him again. I will be giving up my older sons team and picking up my 4 year olds team. Two teams is all I can do and my older son is at that stage where my IQ has dropped significantly and won't miss me being on the bench. All part of growing up I suppose.

I'm praying for Alaina and Buchs in their cancer battles and that makes my poker battles completely insignificant.

In fact, I am playing less and doing more to help others instead. Maybe I'm in a mid-life crisis, idk...

1 comment:

People_Mover said...

we'll be there man! DO IT BULLDOZER
