Saturday, June 7, 2008

'super' Saturday wrap up

I played the Pocketfives open which had some good prizes. The top 3 finishers that put that blurb I had in my last post into their blog each received a $530 entry to another tournament. I finished 9th in that list but that isn't the worst bubble of the day. In the 250k I finished 55th, 54th got $850.

I was at a table where we were not stalling. Other short stack tables were doing huge stalls. I had no choice but to call my short stack off as it was always raised to me. UTG Big Stack with a range of any two cards opened I was next and about to be blinded away so I called with Q8 suited. GG

As that was happening the 50r aruba game was in the early stages I was in the BB with 56 and a couple limpers, the board hits 569 so i reship then call the shove from a guy i know. He easily has an underpair but this time he had 78. I choose not to rebuy so I could have a few minutes off before the 2nd chance and bounty games start.

I shuffled the kids off to bed and put my golf clubs in the trunk. 7:00am tee off tomorrow. First game of the season.

Bounty and 2nd chance have started... gl me (as Buchs would say....)

Man I suck, out of both of them. Once again zero bounties and another 'oh for' weekend. I need to rethink my game plan.

I'll probably shoot 95 tomorrow and drop all my bets to top it off.

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